www.royalalbertpatterns.com - Un-Named Patterns

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Un - Named  Sets - Page 1

Many Un-Named Patterns came in different cup shapes and different colors or in slightly different pattern variations. On the pages below we matched them up, to make it easier for you to find. We are also adding photo's of the different serving pieces you can get in each pattern. There are 50 Un-Named sets per page. If you can't find your  Un-Named pattern on any of the pages below, Please email us Photo's of your pattern and the Back Stamp, then we can get it posted! lisa@royalalbertpatterns.com or angie@royalalbertpatterns.com

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Un-Named Patterns Page 19
Butterfly Handle
1905 to 1907 Patterns Other Collector Plates
Royal Albert Richmond China Patterns
Un-Named Patterns Extra Pieces - No Matches

Un - Named Set # 1

Introduced: EST 1970s to 1980s

Description: Yellow Primroses

Un - Named Set # 2

Introduced: EST 1970s to 1980s

Description: Pink Floral

Un - Named Set # 3

Introduced: EST 1970s to 1980s

Description: Blue, Turquoise, or Aqua Daises

Matches The Marguerite Pattern M Patterns

Un - Named Set # 4

Introduced: EST 1970s to 1980s

Description: Lily of the Valley Flowers
Matches Lily of The Valley Pattern L  Patterns
Matches Radiance Series Radiance Series

Also see Un - Named Set # 728

Un - Named Set # 5

Introduced: EST 1970s to 1980s

Description: Blue Flowers

Un - Named Set # 6

Introduced: EST 1927 to 1935 Reg. Nº 767626

Description: Blue Bells, Butterflies

Butterfly Handle

Un - Named Set # 7

Introduced: EST 1927 to 1935
Reg. Nº 769616

Description: Blue Bows, Yellow and Pink Flowers Butterfly Handle

Un - Named Set # 8

Introduced: EST 1970s to 1980s

Description: Blue and white Flowers with a red rose bud

Un - Named Set # 9

Introduced: EST 1930s  Reg. Nº 749633, Reg. Nº 784772
Butterfly Handle - Reg. Nº 767626 #8311

Description: Blue, Yellow,and Pink Flowers

Butterfly Handlelawley

Introduced: EST 1927 to 1935   Reg. Nº 749633


Un - Named Set # 10

Introduced: EST 1970s to 1980s

Description: Pink Flowers

Un - Named Set # 11

Introduced: EST 1930s

Description: Yellow, Black trim

Un - Named Set # 12

Introduced: EST 1970s to 1980s

Description: Similar to the Pattern Sugar Candy S Patterns
Yellow, Fern, Gold Trim or White, Fern with pink rose, gold trim

Un - Named Set # 13

Introduced: EST 1930s

Description: Yellow and Pink Flowers,Gray Leaves, Gold trim

Un - Named Set # 14

EST 1930s

Butterfly Handle

Un - Named Set # 15

Introduced: EST 1930s

Description: Similar to the Daffodil Pattern

D Patterns

Un - Named Set # 16

Introduced: EST 1930s

Description Blue Bells and Yeloow Flowers, green grass, green or green trim

Un - Named Set # 17

Introduced: EST 1970s to 1980s

Description: pink flowers with green leaves

Un - Named Matched Set # 18

Introduced: EST 1940s to 1950s - Early Bone China Stamp
Later Bone China Stamp - EST 1960s to 1970s

Description Similar to the Primulette PatternP Patterns

Un - Named Set # 19   See the Radiance Series
Un - Named Set # 20

Introduced: EST 1930s Reg No. 769616 #2578


Un - Named Set # 21

Introduced: EST 1930s


Un - Named Matched Set # 22

Introduced: EST 1930s

Description:Pink and Gray Leaves, or Yellow and Brown Leaves, Gold trim

Un - Named Set # 23

Introduced: EST 1930s

Description:Lily of The Valley PatternL  Patterns

Un - Named Set # 24

Introduced: EST


Un - Named Matched Set # 25

Introduced: EST 1970s to 1980s

Description: Similar to The Fancy Free Pattern F Patterns

Un - Named Set # 26

Introduced: EST 1930s

Description: Blue

Un - Named Set # 27

Introduced: EST 1940s to 1950s

Description:Similar to The Maryland Pattern M Patterns

Un - Named Set # 28

Introduced: EST 1940s to 1950s

Description: Vines, Green or Brown, Gold Trim
Need Photo
Un - Named Matched Set # 29

Introduced: EST 1968

Description:Similar to the Prelude PatternP Patterns

Un - Named Set # 30

Introduced: EST 1927 to 1935  Reg. Nº 749633 # 8957  Reg. Nº 749633

Description:Yellow, Pink, Purple, and Blue Flowers, Hollyhocks



Un - Named Set # 31

Introduced: Crown Backstamp EST 1930s
Bone Backstamp 1970s to 1980s

Description: White with Gold Band

Un - Named Set # 32

Introduced: EST 1970s to 1980s

Description:Similar to The Sorrento PatternS Patterns

Un - Named Set # 33

Introduced: EST 1970s to 1980s

Description: Pink Flower with Gold trim

Un - Named Set # 34

Introduced: EST 1970s to 1980s

Description:Similar to The Cornflower PatternC Patterns

Un - Named Matched Set # 35

Introduced: EST 1970s to 1980s

Description:  Commonly referred to as the "Brides Maid" Set
Similar to Un - Named Set # 98

Un - Named Set # 36

Introduced: EST 1930s to 1940s

Description: Green, Yellow, Blue, Purple, Turquoise, Orange, Red, Black, and Pink
Un - Named Set # 37

Introduced: EST 1930s to 1940s

Description: Green, Yellow, Blue, Purple, Turquoise, Orange, Red, and Pink
One set has a Flower in the center the other doesn't
Un - Named Set # 38

Introduced: EST 1940s to 1950s

Description: Pastel Yellow, Blue, and Green
Un - Named Set # 39

Introduced: EST 1930s to 1940s

Description: Red, Blue,Yellow, Green and Pink
Un - Named Set # 40

Introduced: EST 1930s

Description: Pink Flowers with gold design, gold trim

Un - Named Set # 41

Introduced: EST 1930s to 1940s Reg. Nº 769616

Description: Brown, Pink, Green Blue, and Black
Un - Named Set # 42

Introduced: EST 1940s

Description: Small Blue floral
Un - Named Set # 43

Introduced: EST 1970s

Matches the Derby Pattern
D Patterns

Un - Named Set # 44

Introduced: EST 1950s

Description: Green Design, Gold Trim
Un - Named Set # 45

Introduced: EST 1950s

Un - Named Set # 46

Introduced: EST 1950s  Reg. Nº 767626 Pattern # 8136

Description:Vines with Flowers Butterfly Handle
Un - Named Set # 47

Introduced: EST 1930s to 1940s

Un - Named Set # 48

Introduced: EST 1930s to 1940s

Description: Blue and yellow flowers, Gold trim
Un - Named Set # 49

Introduced: EST 1920s

Un - Named Set # 50

Introduced: EST 1940s to 1950s

Un - Named  Sets - Page 1

Many Un-Named Patterns came in different cup shapes and different colors or in slightly different pattern variations. On the pages below we matched them up, to make it easier for you to find. We are also adding photo's of the different serving pieces you can get in each pattern. There are 50 Un-Named sets per page. If you can't find your  Un-Named pattern on any of the pages below, Please email us Photo's of your pattern and the Back Stamp, then we can get it posted! lisa@royalalbertpatterns.com or angie@royalalbertpatterns.com

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Un-Named Patterns Page 2
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Un-Named Patterns Page 19
Butterfly Handle
1905 to 1907 Patterns Other Collector Plates
Royal Albert Richmond China Patterns
Un-Named Patterns Extra Pieces - No Matches

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