Royal Albert China - Series

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Remedy Teas

Introduced: 2004 - 2007

Soothing. Beneficial. Relaxing. Calming. Above all, natural. Yet stimulating in all the right ways. That's the thinking behind this fine range of mugs and coasters from Royal Albert. Because Remedy Mugs take as their inspiration some of our favourite herbs and flavours - including bergamot, chamomile, peppermint, and rosehip. And allow you to brew up accordingly.


Series of Four:  Bergamot, Chamomile, Peppermint, and Rosehip

Bergamot Tea

B Patterns

Chamomile Tea

C Patterns

Peppermint Tea

P Patterns

Rosehip Tea

R Patterns

Waterford, Wedgwood, and Royal Doulton

Waterford, Wedgwood, and Royal Doulton

Waterford, Wedgwood, and Royal Doulton

Waterford, Wedgwood, and Royal Doulton